With the art-work finally in place, it was time to celebrate all that the community had achieved with Kay Aplin, our artist-in-residence 2009.
And so, on Tuesday afternoon, everyone who had been involved with the project in any way was invited to a launch party at the site on the Hemmingwell.
Among those present was the Mayor of Wellingborough, Councillor Peter Morall, Councillor Graham Lawman , Councillor Bhupendra Patel and Councillor Martin Griffiths, who are all either represenatives on the Hemmingwell or have an interest in planning and regeneration. The Mayor attended in his official capacity, complete with chauffeured car!
The mayor said: "This is a superb use of tiles and mosaic. It works for what it is. I am a great believer in street art. I have been very impressed by all the people who have worked with such time and energy on this project."
Council Lawman said: "This was a no-go area. It was depressing and dull. The art-work is fabulous. The bright colours are great."
We were delighted to see friends who have featured on the blog, including Kay Rogers from the Well cafe, Elaine and Gerry our tilers, Vanessa Forbes who is Extended School Manager at Sir Christopher Hatton School, plus police community support officers, including our helpful friend Chris Howard. Children from the local schools who had been involved in the designs were also invited. The Hope project laid on fantastic food in the Community Centre and the Mayor gave a short speech.
Paula Armstrong, arts officer for Wellingborough council and organiser of the event, said: "The project is an important part of the work being undertaken by a partnership of community organisations and public agencies with the aim of improving the area."
In other words, there's more to come for the Hemmingwell!
Some coverage of the launch in the local press here.
Thanks to everyone who came!
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