You may remember that Chris Howard, Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) with Northamptonshire police, agreed to take hemmingwellartist on a tour of the Hemmingwell estate. The police have their own dedicated space on the Hemmingwell estate. Safety is one of the key motivators for creating an artist-in-residence project here.
Well, we did it! This Monday just gone. I was a little nervous showing up for a meeting with 'the police', but Chris and his colleague, PC Vicky Farmer, instantly put me at ease. Contrary to what I was expecting, we took to the estate not by car, but on foot. Chris explained that the police team like to get out every week - meeting people, talking about their concerns and making themselves available. It felt like a return to the days of the old 'Bobby on the beat', except these police wear fluorescent yellow jackets!
Two things from our time together struck me:
1. How much Chris and his colleagues love being part of the community. Both Chris and Vicky have a clear affection for the residents of the Hemmingwell and want to listen and act on what the residents are concerned about. Chris was also just back from a trip with one of the local schools. Walking around the area helps the police, as Chris said, keep an up-to-date 'visual audit' of what's happening. Residents' concerns directly inform police activities week-by-week.
2. What a great idea it is to have a local police presence. The police use the Hemmingwell Community House as a base on the estate. It opened in 2002. The house is owned by Wellingborough Council and funded by the Wellingborough Community Safety Partnership. The police aren't located a distance away. This makes the estate feel safer in reality and, if you had a problem, you'd certainly know where to go to get help. By being at the heart of the community, officers get a genuine insight into what's happening on the estate, too.
I'll post the photographs of our tour just as soon as they've uploaded. The photos should give you a real feel of the estate and where the artist-in-residence work is happening.
Thanks PCSO Chris and PC Vicky for your help!
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