Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Finding an artist

When a plan had been agreed, Paula Armstrong, the council's arts officer, set about writing an artist's plan and brief. This included background to the project, the aims, how the artist would be expected to work with the community, a time-scale, fees and how to apply.

The creative brief was pretty wide, but it did have two important elements:

1. The artist would be expected to provide workshops for the community.
2. Work would be based loosely around the theme of birds - that's how streets are named on the Hemmingwell.

Paula then advertised in the usual places for artists, like the bench-mark a-n 'jobs and opps'. Any artist who wanted to apply would have to send in an 'idea sheet' (outlining their ideas), a CV, 6-12 images of work they'd done successfully already and whatever else they wanted that could support their application.

Here's the original advert.

When the deadline came, there were several applications. Who would be successful?

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