But fear not, happy blog readers. The artist in residency will still be continuing at a pace.
If you're around, you can catch Kay, our artist in residence, at The Castle in Wellingborough from the afternoon of Monday 17th August to lunch-time on Wednesday 19th August, where she'll be making the actual mosaics! She'll be in her studio space or just ask at the box office. Paula Armstrong, arts officer, says 'all are welcome to visit, so please drop by.'
Kay will also be returning the the Hope Centre on the Hemmingwell estate itself, to work with children from a Summer scheme. They will produce mosaics that will form part of the finished panels. Kay will be there on the afternoon of 19th August.
We'll give you a full update on those activities here on the blog when we return. Plus, other snippets to look forward to include:
- an interview with the arts co-ordinator at Sir Christopher Hatton secondary school
- more on the Hope project, who Kay has been working with
- an interview with long-term residents, the shop-keepers on the Hemmingwell estate
- more from the Hemmingwell Action Group and its activists
- the lo-down from estate hub, the Hemmingwell cafe
- a remark or two about funding
- the latest news on the mosaics as they are being made
- and the installation itself, which is just weeks away
Can you wait?! We hope so! More soon...
Now this blog is out for Summer :-) Enjoy yourselves, too.
PS The tender is out for local tilers who could help install the mosaic on the subway wall at the Hemmingwell estate. Interested parties can email information, questions, contacts or recommendations to Paula Armstrong, Wellingborough Borough Council's arts officer on parmstrong@wellingborough.gov.uk Thank you.